中国药学(英文版) ›› 2020, Vol. 29 ›› Issue (3): 206-213.DOI: 10.5246/jcps.2020.03.018

• 【研究论文】 • 上一篇    下一篇


梁晓霞#,*, 熊城#, 高迎迎, 范巧佳   

  1. 四川农业大学 动物医学院 天然药物研究中心, 四川 成都 611130
  • 收稿日期:2019-11-15 修回日期:2019-12-04 出版日期:2020-03-30 发布日期:2020-01-08
  • 通讯作者: Tel.: +86-28-86291470, E-mail:
  • 基金资助:
    The Foundation of Industrialization Demonstration and Promotion of Standardized Planting of Dominant Species of Gastrodia elata in Yingjing (General Service Station) and the Foundation of Sichuan Science and Technology Plan Project (Grant No. 2019YFS0170).

Antioxidantive activities and gastrodin determination of extracts of endophytic fungi isolated from Gastrodia elata Bl.

Xiaoxia Liang#,*, Cheng Xiong#, Yingying Gao, Qiaojia Fan   

  1. Natural Medicine Research Center, College of Veterinary Medicine, Sichuan Agricultural University, Chengdu 611130, China
  • Received:2019-11-15 Revised:2019-12-04 Online:2020-03-30 Published:2020-01-08
  • Contact: Tel.: +86-28-86291470, E-mail:
  • Supported by:
    The Foundation of Industrialization Demonstration and Promotion of Standardized Planting of Dominant Species of Gastrodia elata in Yingjing (General Service Station) and the Foundation of Sichuan Science and Technology Plan Project (Grant No. 2019YFS0170).


天麻是一种治疗头痛眩晕的传统中药材。然而, 由于过度挖掘, 其野生资源紧缺。本研究从荥经天麻中分离到14株内生真菌, 对其中10株进行了鉴定, 分别属于新丛赤壳属、子囊菌属、镰刀菌、树粉孢属、聚生小穴壳菌。以总抗氧化能力、DPPH自由基清除能力为指标, 研究了10株内生真菌菌丝体醇提物抗氧化活性, 并测定其总多酚和总黄酮含量。结果表明, GER6 (树粉孢属)GER2 (子囊菌属)显示出良好的体外抗氧化活性, 这可能与其酚类含量较高相关。但是10株天麻内生真菌中仅GER6 (树粉孢属)中含有天麻素, 其含量为39.2 μg/g。综上可知, 天麻内生真菌GER6 (树粉孢属)有望开发成为一种天然抗氧化剂, 并有可能成为天麻替代品种。

关键词: 天麻, 内生真菌, 抗氧化活性, 天麻素


Gastrodia elata Bl. is a traditional Chinese herbal medicine with special pharmacological effects on headache and numbness. However, its wild sources are now in short supply because of over-excavation. A total of 14 endophytic fungi were isolated from Gastrodia elata Bl collected from Yinjing, in which 10 strains were identified, including Neonectria, Ascomycota, Fusarium, Oidiodendron and Dothiorella. All crude extracts showed some degrees of antioxidant activities by T-AOC method and DPPH methods, especially those from Oidiodendron GeR6 and Ascomycota sp. GeR2, which might be attributed due to their high phenolic contents. However, only Oidiodendron GeR6 contained gastrodin (39.2 μg/g) as the host plant in the crude extracts. In conclusion, the notable activities of GeR6 indicated its medical use as a natural antioxidant agent, as well as substitutable use for Gastrodia elata Bl. in the future.

Key words: Gastrodia elata Bl., Endophytic fungi, Antioxidantive activity, Gastrodin



The DNA sequence of endophytic fungi isolated from Gastrodia elata Bl.