1. Scope of the Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences
Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences (JCPS) is a peer-reviewed journal, published monthly and founded in 1992. It is directed by Chinese Association for Science and Technology, sponsored by Chinese Pharmaceutical Association (CPA), and undertaken by School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Peking University. JCPS covers all areas of pharmaceutical researches, including medicinal chemistry, pharmacognosy, natural products, pharmaceutical analysis, pharmaceutics and drug delivery, biotechnology drugs, pharmacology, pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics and drug metabolism, pharmacogenomics and clinical pharmacy. It is the interest of this journal to introduce the latest developments in pharmaceutical sciences to its readers. It is indexed as the Core Journal in Chinese science and technology field. The journal has been included by Chemical Abstracts (CA), UIPD, Index of Copurnicus (IC), CABI, SCOPUS, JSTChina, COAJ, EBSCO, Chinese Science Citation Database (CSCD), the Chinese National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI) and World Journal Clout Index (WJCI) Report. In 2013–2015, JCPS got financial support from “the International Influence of Chinese Science and Technology Journals Promotion Plan". In 2012, 2014 and 2015, JCPS was awarded as “International Influence Outstanding Academic Journals”.
2. Types of manuscripts
Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences publishesoriginal research articles, reviews, perspectives and short communications. Only manuscripts containing original research and solid data and written concisely and clearly will be considered for publication. Submitted manuscripts should not be under consideration for publication elsewhere.
Articles There are full research papers describing original and innovative results of high quality and up to date investigations.
Short communications There are significant and novel findings warrant quick communication.
Reviews There are critical summaries that highlight the past researches and describe the future trends of a pharmaceutical field.
3. Manuscript submission
JCPS recommends that authors adopt the Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals from the International Commitee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE). Further information can be found at http://www.icmje.org. Peer Review of JCPS is single blind. All articles in the journal will be reviewed by no fewer than two independent experts to ensure the quality, originality and novelty of the work published.
3.1. Manuscript should be submitted by e-mail at jcps@bjmu.edu.cn as a word file. It also can be submitted by ScholarOne Submission System at http://jcps.bjmu.edu.cn/. If the work is supported by program funds or national key projects, please provide the project number in the footnotes at the title page. The address of the editorial office is: Editorial Office of Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Peking University, 38 Xueyuan Road, Haidian District, Beijing 100191, China. Telephone: +86-10-82801713; +86-10-82805496.
3.2. Manuscript should include title, author and affiliation, main text, figures, tables, acknowledgments, references, graphical abstracts. Footnotes should appear at the bottom of the appropriate page. Authors should consult a sample manuscript at the website: http://jcps.bjmu.edu.cn/.
3.3. After receiving a manuscript, a manuscript code number and copyright transfer agreement will be assigned and sent to the corresponding author through “return receipt” or by e-mail. The author will be noticed on the decision (revision or rejection) about 2 months later. The author should revise the manuscript according to the reviewers’ comments and return the original manuscript, the revised manuscript and a list of changes or a rebuttal against each point raised by the reviewers within 1 months. After this period, the unreturned manuscript will be considered withdrawn and any resubmission will be treated as a new submission. The authors should provide a final manuscript after passing the review process for the editing of the English writing by our English editors.
3.4. The Submission Fee of JCPS is as follows: Review fee is 100 RMB per article; language polishing fee is 1000 RMB per article, publication charges are 260 RMB per publication page. Before publishing, one set of page proofs in PDF format will be sent to the author by e-mail or by post. Please use this proof only to check the typesetting, typographical errors, completeness and correctness of the text, tables and figures. No significant changes to the article are allowed at this stage. To facilitate the timely and accurate publication of your manuscript, it is important to have all your corrections sent back to us together in one communication. Please check carefully before returning the page proofs, and all corrections, revisions, and additions must be made directly on the proofs. Proofreading of the page proofs is solely the author’s responsibility. Revised proofs and page charges should be returned to the editorial office within 2 d. According to guidelines of Copyright Law, editor has the right to make changes to the manuscript.
3.5. After the paper is published, authors will be paid and presented with two copies of the current issue and a PDF file at no cost. The fee for copyright and payment for the article will be paid one-time. If you do not agree, please state clearly when the manuscript is submitted.
4. Manuscript preparation
4.1. Title
The title should reflect the content of the manuscript. It should be concise, accurate and specific. Only the first letter of the title should be capitalized, except for proper nouns.
4.2. Authors and affiliations
Authors should be the researchers who have participated in the research work, and they are responsible for the content of the full paper. Authors also should respond the questions and comments raised by the editors. The author names should be separated by comma and the corresponding author should be marked with an asterisk. The detailed contact information (phone, fax and e-mail) should be listed and the corresponding author is responsible for the communication with editors. Evincive letter of affiliation should be provided when the copyright is changed. First letters of author names should be capitalized (e.g. Limei Zhang, Ping Wang). The names of foreign authors should follow international tradition. The different affiliations of the authors should be indicated by a superscript number after the author names.
4.3. Footnotes
The financial support and the contact information of the corresponding author (telephone, fax and e-mail) should be presented in footnotes.
4.4. Abstract
The abstract should be a short paragraph that briefly describes the key contents of the full paper, not necessarily giving the remark and explanation at the level of detail found in Chemical Abstracts. It should be understood independently of the main body of the paper.
4.5. Graphical abstract
Authors should supply a graphical abstract when the paper is accepted. The graphical abstract is used to summarize the major point of article in a concise and pictorial form. It does not need to cover all contents of the paper. If necessary, authors may also provide a text abstract and the text only graphic abstract may not exceed 50 words. Please see the following examples.
Please provide 3–10 words or phrases as keywords, which are separated with comma. The keywords should represent the core content of the paper. General words and expressions should be avoided. First letters of all keywords should be capitalized.
4.7. The main body
A full research paper is generally consisting of three parts: introduction, experiment (materials and methods), and results and discussion. The three sections are separated clearly with a title of each section typed in the left of a line. Subtitles under each section are often used, which are placed at the left side of a separate line. Under each subtitle, further division can also be used with a title typed at the left of a line followed directly by a space and the text.
4.7.1. Introduction
The introduction should concisely summarize the background of the research, raise the specific scientific questions the research is intended to solve, and describe the basic theory, research method, and experimental design. It should clearly state the purpose of the paper, especially the significance and novelty of the research.
4.7.2. Experimental
Because of the diversity of research this journal publishes and the great variations of the experimental methods, the organizationstructure of this part can be different for different areas of research. Typically, this part should contain the general design, detailed experimental method, data collection, data processing and statistical analysis. Materials
The resource, species and specification of the major materials should be provided. The names of drugs should be adopted following the guidelines of International Nonproprietary Names (INN)based on Chinese Approved Drug Names. The new drugs approved by the National Medical Products Administration should use their adopted names. The code names and brand names should not be used or rarely used. When a drug is described for the first time, the full English name should be used followed by its dose. Research objects (animals, plants and microorganism)
For plants and medicinal herbs, the authors should give the scientific name (in italic) and indicate who identified the material and the location of the plant specimen. For animal study, the level of sanitation and the certification number should be indicated. Rats and mice should be hosted at the second level of sanitation at least. The genders, ages and weights of the animals or humans should be provided. Authors are advised to follow proper guidelines when animals or humans are used as research objects. Studies with human subjects can only be carried out after it is approved by the local ethnics committee of the responsible organization or it follows the rules stated in the Declaration of Helsinki of 1975 (revised in 2000). The patient names and their identification numbers in the hospital should be omitted. Methods
The description of the research method should be as concise as possible. The significant number and the precision of the measured data should be consistent with the methods used. For a previously reported method, a reference citation is generally sufficient. For a modified method or a newly developed method, enough details should be provided to enable others to repeat the procedures. The data calculation process, software and the version, and the computer program used for theoretical calculation should be described. Units of measurement and symbols of calculation
The units of measurement and symbols of calculation must follow the Chinese Calculation Unit Law (shortened for CalculationUnit Law) based on the international unit system. Please also refer to Quantity and Unit (Beijing, China Standard Press). Standardabbreviations can be used throughout the manuscript. Non-standard abbreviations must be defined in the text when it is first used. Numbers
Numbers are generally expressed by the Arabic number system. The numbers between 0.1–1000 can be written as is and scientific notation system is encouraged for more complicated numbers. Increase can be expressed in fold and decrease can be expressed in percentage. When describing a range of numbers, the use of the full number is preferred, for example 2 × 104–6 × 104 or (2–6) × 104(not 2–6 × 104); 2%–6% (not 2–6%); 2 mm × 3 mm × 4 mm (not 2 ×3 × 4 mm).
The measured data should be consistent with the accuracy of the measuring instrument. Any error is only allowed at the last digit of the number. And the correction and revision of the significant numbers should be done in one time. Tables and figures
Tables and figures should be designed reasonably. They should be understood without reference to the text. Tables and figures must be cited in the text and numbered sequentially in the order of appearance with Arabic numbers. It is still necessary writing “Table 1”or “Figure 1” even when there is only one table or one figure. The artwork should be prepared at the actual size that they are to appear (single-column width is 8 cm; double-column width is (10–17) cm).
The data plot should be presented in its original Excel, GraphPad PrismorOrigin figures, and chemical structures can be prepared with ChemDraw.
A title is required on top of the table. The tables should be placed at the left side of the page. Limit the use of punctuations in tables, align the numbers and texts neatly, and indicate footnotes with superscript Roman letters a, b, c, etc. NMR data
NMR data may be presented either in tables or in the text. Tables are preferred for complex NMR assignments and for series of compounds with full assignments. Full assignments are encouraged using 2D NMR techniques, especially for large, complex structures. The preferred order is: mp; [α]D; Rf values; spectral data (UV, IR); 1H NMR data; 13C NMR data; MS data. The following is the preferred format:
1H NMR (500 MHz, CDCl3) δ: 7.02 (d, 1H, J 8.7 Hz, NHCO), 5.93 (m, 2H, CH2CH3)… 13C NMR (75 MHz, DMSO-d6) δ: 158.4 (NHCO), 56.3 (CH2CH3) …HRMS calcd. for C15H20O3SNa (M+Na)+: 303.1025; found 303.1028…
4.7.3. Results and discussion
This section should include the newly obtained experimental results, conclusions, and limitations of the experiments. Especially these experimental conditions that cannot be controlled easily should be pointed out. The discussion should be in the context of previous findings and related with the objective, results, and conclusions of the experiments. Avoid repeating the results and do not review the literatures in this part. Speculative deductions and conclusions without supporting data and evidence are not allowed.
4.8. Acknowledgments
This section is optional. Sources of financial support may be recognized here or in a footnote on the title page. Persons, who made contributions to the research but not on the author list, could be listed here.
4.9. References
The references are cited numerically in the order of appearance in the main text. References are literature reports that have beenpublished. Papers that have been accepted for publication are marked by “In press”. Authors are expected to check the original source for accuracy. Literature references are listed at the end of the main text and numbered. All references are written in English.
References should be given in the following forms:
Periodicals: The listed reference consists of a serial number, names of all author (s), article title, names of the Journal (Journal titles should be abbreviated according to American Chemical Society guidelines), year of publication, volume (No.), and pages.
[1] Elvelin, L.; Jonsson, L. Mass Efficiency of Alkene Syntheses with Tri- and Tetrasubstituted Double Bonds. Curr. Ther. Res. 1994, 55, 736–746.
Books:The listed book consists of a serial number, names of the author (s), names of the books, volume, year of publication, publisher location, and publisher name.
[2] Cong, P.Z.; Su, K.M. Analytic Chemistry Handbook. Vol 9. 2nd ed. Beijing: Chemical Industry Press. 2000, 726–727.
Chapters of a book: Literature references should include author (s), chapter title (if applicable), editor (s), book title, edition/volume, publisher location, publisher name, date and pages.
[3] Thomson, R.; von Itzstein, M. N-Acetylneuraminic acid derivatives and mimetics as anti-influenza agents, in Carbohydrate-based drug Discovery (Wong, C, H. Ed.), Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 2003, xxx–xxx.
Patent:The patent reference consists of a serial number, patent inventor, patent number, patent country, the year of application.
[4] Ledrut, H.U.S. Patent 2551982, 1951; Chem. Abstr., 1952, 51, 7128i.
Theses: The text citation consists of a serial number, author (s), degrees, colleges (institutions), and year.
[5] Wang, X.X. Ph.D. thesis, Peking University. 2005.
Resources on line: The citation consists of a serial number, names of the author (s), names of the journals (databases), year, volume (No.), and pages.
[6] Entrena, A.; Campos, J.M.; Gallo, M.A.; Espinosa, A. Arkivoc.2005, VI, 88–108. This article can be found online at http://www.arkat-usa.org/ark/journal/2005/I06_Juaristi/1383/EJ-1383C.asp.
5. Corrections
If errors of consequence are found in the published paper, a correction of the error should be sent by the author to the Editor-in-Chief for publication in the journal’s Errata Section.
6. Conflicts of interest
Authors should indicate relevant conflicts of interest in the cover letter, including specific financial interests relevant to the subject of their manuscript, employment, consultancies, stock ownership, honoraria, paid expert testimony, patent applications/registrations, etc. Authors without relevant financial interests in the manuscript should state no such interest.
Jan. 2025
Pubdate: 2020-01-20