中国药学(英文版) ›› 2017, Vol. 26 ›› Issue (3): 230-234.DOI: 10.5246/jcps.2017.03.024

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费文波, 梁晓霞*, 何敏   

  1. 四川农业大学 动物医学院 天然药物研究中心, 四川 成都 611130
  • 收稿日期:2017-01-17 修回日期:2017-02-26 出版日期:2017-03-30 发布日期:2017-03-04
  • 通讯作者: Tel.: +86-028-86291470, E-mail:
  • 基金资助:

    The Research Platform for the Project of the Application Basic Plan in Sichuan Province (Grant No. 2014JY0113) and the Project of Department of Science in Sichuan Province (Grant No. 14ZA0003).

Effects of different processing methods in Tibet on content of chebulinic acid in Terminalia chebula Retz.

Wenbo Fei, Xiaoxia Liang*, Min He   

  1. Natural Medicine Research Center, College of veterinary medicine,Sichuan Agricultural University, Chengdu 611130, China
  • Received:2017-01-17 Revised:2017-02-26 Online:2017-03-30 Published:2017-03-04
  • Contact: Tel.: +86-028-86291470, E-mail:
  • Supported by:

    The Research Platform for the Project of the Application Basic Plan in Sichuan Province (Grant No. 2014JY0113) and the Project of Department of Science in Sichuan Province (Grant No. 14ZA0003).


研究不同藏医炮制方法对诃子中诃子酸含量的影响, 探索藏医炮制诃子的原理。以诃子酸含量为指标, 采用HPLC测定生药诃子、茜草制诃子和白狼毒制诃子中的诃子酸含量, 探索其炮制前后成分含量的变化规律。与生品比较, 诃子藏医特殊制后诃子酸的含量均有一定的变化, 其中茜草制诃子中诃子酸的含量降低50.18%, 白狼毒制诃子中诃子酸的含量下降17.32%。 诃子经过藏医特殊炮制之后, 有效成分含量发生变化, 配伍不同方剂, 临床用途随之变化。

关键词: 诃子, 藏医炮制, 诃子酸, 高效液相色谱法


To study the change of the content of chebulinic acid in Terminalia chebula Retz. by different processing methods in Tibet. We taking chebulinic acid as an indicator, the contents in Terminalia chebula Retz. and its processed products were analyzed by using HPLC. Also, the change rule was explored. Compared with Terminalia chebula Retz., the contents of chebulinic acid have decreased after processing, declining 50.18% for the Rubia cordifolia L. processed product, while 11.2% reduce for the Euphorbia fischeriana Steud processed product. After the specific preparation process in Tibet, the contents of chebulinic acid have reduced significantly, which may lead to different pharmacological effects.

Key words: Terminalia chebula Retz., Processed in Tibet, Chebulinic acid, HPLC

