中国药学(英文版) ›› 2024, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (9): 837-845.DOI: 10.5246/jcps.2024.09.062

• 【研究论文】 • 上一篇    下一篇


蒋浩, 郭宇姝*(), 师超   

  1. 解放军总医院医疗保障中心 药剂科, 北京 100048
  • 收稿日期:2024-01-15 修回日期:2024-02-12 接受日期:2024-03-08 出版日期:2024-10-03 发布日期:2024-10-03
  • 通讯作者: 郭宇姝

Quantification of eight components in Paeonia lactiflora and Glycyrrhiza decoction using UHPLC-MS/MS

Hao Jiang, Yushu Guo*(), Chao Shi   

  1. Department of Pharmacy, Medical Supplies Center of PLA General Hospital, Beijing 100048, China
  • Received:2024-01-15 Revised:2024-02-12 Accepted:2024-03-08 Online:2024-10-03 Published:2024-10-03
  • Contact: Yushu Guo


本研究采用超高效液相色谱-质谱联用技术(UHPLC-MS/MS)分析测定芍药甘草汤中8种药效成分, 旨在为该方提供准确、高效、适用的成分测定方法, 并为其临床应用提供参考。采用甲醇提取芍药甘草汤药效成分作为供试品溶液, 利用UHPLC-MS/MS技术对供试品进行分离检测分析。结果显示, 8种对照品线性关系良好, 供试品24 h内稳定, 芍药苷、芍药内酯苷、甘草査尔酮A、槲皮素、没食子酸、甘草苷、柚皮素、甘草酸含量分别为3.530 ± 0.124、0.139 ± 0.006、0.245 ± 0.008、0.779 ± 0.026、0.433 ± 0.021、0.388 ± 0.018、0.617 ± 0.013、0.081 ± 0.005 mg/mL。结果说明UHPLC-MS/MS分析效率高、适用范围广, 可反映芍药甘草汤化学成分特点。本研究建立了芍药甘草汤中8种药效成分的含量测定方法, 可应用于该方临床应用和质量控制研究。

关键词: 芍药甘草汤, UHPLC-MS/MS, 药效成分, 含量测定


This study aimed to utilize ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (UHPLC-MS/MS) to analyze and quantify eight therapeutic components in Paeonia lactiflora and Glycyrrhiza decoction. The goal was to establish an accurate, efficient, and applicable method for determining the composition of this formula, providing a reference for its clinical application. Methanol was employed to extract the therapeutic components from Paeonia lactiflora and Glycyrrhiza decoction, forming the test sample solution. UHPLC-MS/MS technology was applied to separate and analyze the test samples. The results indicated that upon analysis, the eight reference standards exhibited excellent linear relationships, and the test samples remained stable within 24 h. The content of paeoniflorin, paeonolide, glycyrrhizic acid A, quercetin, chebulic acid, liquiritin, naringenin, and glycyrrhetic acid was determined to be 3.530 ± 0.124, 0.139 ± 0.006, 0.245 ± 0.008, 0.779 ± 0.026, 0.433 ± 0.021, 0.388 ± 0.018, 0.617 ± 0.013, and 0.081 ± 0.005 mg/mL, respectively. This study established that UHPLC-MS/MS analysis demonstrated high efficiency and broad applicability, reflecting the chemical composition characteristics of Paeonia lactiflora and Glycyrrhiza decoction. This research provided a quantitative analysis method for the eight therapeutic components in Paeonia lactiflora and Glycyrrhiza decoction, applicable to its clinical use and quality control.

Key words: Paeonia lactiflora and Glycyrrhiza decoction, UHPLC-MS/MS, Medicinal composition, Content determination
