中国药学(英文版) ›› 2016, Vol. 25 ›› Issue (5): 329-341.DOI: 10.5246/jcps.2016.05.037

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高玲燕1,2, 马骁3, 刘晓2*   

  1. 1. 中日友好医院 药学部, 北京 100029
    2. 航天中心医院 药剂科, 北京 100049
    3. 中日友好医院 风湿免疫科, 北京 100029
  • 收稿日期:2016-01-26 修回日期:2016-02-18 出版日期:2016-05-30 发布日期:2016-03-22
  • 通讯作者: Tel.: +86-010-84206020, Fax: +86-010-64222955, E-mail:
  • 作者简介:刘晓1999年毕业于华西医科大学药学院, 2009年获北京大学医学部药学院药剂学硕士。1999年至今就职于中日友好医院药学部, 副主任药师, 现任静脉用药配置中心主任, 历任临床药学室主任、药学研究室主任、制剂室主任, 兼任北京医学会临床药学分会常委, 国家食品药品监督管理总局药物临床试验检查组成员。长期从事药物代谢动力学研究、药物I期临床试验研究和体内药物分析工作。主持或参与涉及心血管、免疫、内分泌、肿瘤、呼吸等专业的新药临床试验10余项、发表研究论文20余篇, 主编或参编有关专著6部。

Research progress on the functions of vitamins in body

Lingyan Gao1,2, Xiao Ma3, Xiao Liu2*   

  1. 1. Department of Pharmacy, China-Japan Friendship Hospital, Beijng 100029, China 
    2. Department of Pharmacy, Aerospace Center Hospital, Beijng 100049, China
    3. Department of TCM Rheumatology, China-Japan Friendship Hospital, Beijng 100029, China
  • Received:2016-01-26 Revised:2016-02-18 Online:2016-05-30 Published:2016-03-22
  • Contact: Tel.: +86-010-84206020, Fax: +86-010-64222955, E-mail:
  • About author:Liuxiao graduated from School of Pharmacy at West China University of Medical Sciences in 1999. He got his master’s degree in Pharmaceutical Science from School of Pharmacy at Peking University Health Science Centre in 2009. He has been working in Department of Pharmacy, China-Japan Friendship Hospital since 1999 and now he is an Associate Chief of Pharmacy in this department. After being the chief of Clinical Pharmacy, Pharmaceutical Research Centre and Pharmaceutical Preparation Office, he is now the chief of PIVAS (pharmacy intravenous admixture services). He is also a member of the standing committee of Clinical Pharmacy Division, Peking Medical Association and a member of the Drug Clinical Trial inspection team from CFDA. His research focuses on Pharmacokinetic study, Phase I clinical trial and drug Analysis in human body. He has hosted and involved in over 10 clinical trials on cardiovascular drugs, immune system drugs, endocrine drugs, antitumor drugs and Respiratory drugs. He has published over 20 research papers and taken part in compiling over 6 books.


维生素是活细胞为维持正常生理功能所必需的天然物质。据报道人体内有13种维生素, 它们是维生素AB族维生素(包括B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9B12), 维生素C、维生素D、维生素E和维生素K。如今, 维生素的功能已被广泛研究, 现就维生素在体内的新功能做一综述, 旨在为临床合理使用维生素提供建议。

关键词: 维生素A, 维生素B, 维生素C, 维生素D, 维生素E, 维生素K, 功能


Vitamins are natural materials essential for maintaining the normal physical function of the live cells. It has been reportedthat 13 vitamins are needed in our body, included vitamin A, B vitamins (thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, pyridoxine, biotin, folic acid and cobalamin), vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E and vitamin K. Nowadays, the functions of vitamins have been extensively investigated. The objective of this paper is to summarize the new functions of vitamins, aiming to provide suggestions on the usage of various vitamins in clinical application.

Key words: Vitamin A, Vitamin B, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, Vitamin K, Functions

