中国药学(英文版) ›› 2015, Vol. 24 ›› Issue (4): 271-272.

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  1. 药学院化学生物学系
  • 收稿日期:2015-04-05 修回日期:2015-04-10 出版日期:2015-04-28 发布日期:2015-04-15

Seminar report: Cancer Prevention by Natural & TCM Products: Nrf2 and Epigenetics

Siwang Yu   

  • Received:2015-04-05 Revised:2015-04-10 Online:2015-04-28 Published:2015-04-15


2015324日下午,应我院王夔院士和余四旺副教授邀请,美国Rutgers新泽西州立大学药学院江亚伍(Tony Ah-Ng Kong)教授访问我院并进行了一系列学术交流活动。
江亚伍教授现任美国Rutgers新泽西州立大学药学院杰出教授和Glaxo药学讲席教授,2011年被聘为北京大学医学部客座教授。江教授担任了Rutgers新泽西州立大学学术计划与评审委员会委员、药学研究生项目主任、PharmaD-PhD委员会主席、癌症预防研究中心副主任、新泽西癌症研究所学术委员会委员及癌症发生与化学预防项目负责人等职务, 长期作为美国NIH科学评审委员会、美国癌症研究所(AICR)基金评审委员会和新加坡医学研究基金评审委员会等重要基金评审机构的成员。同时,江教授还担任了Current Pharmacology Reports主编,Pharmaceutical Research编辑,以及我院承办的《中国药学》(英文版)(Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences)Cancer Prevention Research, Carcinogenesis, Molecular Carcinogenesis, Biopharmaceutics and Drug Disposition, Pharmaceutical Research, Pharmacological Research, Life Sciences, Oncology Letters, Acta Pharmacologica Sinica, Journal of Science & Technology in the Tropics, Archives of Pharmacal Research, Cell and Biosciences, J. Trad. & Complimentary Med.13家国际学术期刊编委。江教授迄今已发表科研论文超过200,被引用超过11 000, H指数68, 在药学尤其是癌症化学预防方面做出了卓越成就,在该领域具有重要影响力。
作为《中国药学》(英文版)的海外副主编, 江教授首先与《中国药学》(英文版)常务副主编黄河清副教授、编辑部韩健博士、张鲸惊博士讨论了出版天然植物及中药成分用于癌症化学预防专辑相关事宜, 计划今年内出版两期专刊, 并对如何通过加入PubMed等平台来提高期刊的国际影响力等问题进行了深入探讨。
随后, 江教授作了题为“Cancer Prevention by Natural & TCM Products: Nrf2 and Epigenetics”的学术报告。江教授介绍了癌症化学预防相关药物研发成败经验以及NIH对相关研究的资助情况, 结合自己长期研究的大量实例, 尤其是氧化应激信号的表观遗传学调控方面的进展, 对天然植物和中药成分用于癌症化学预防的研究现状和发展趋势进行了全面的阐述, 并和与会的王夔教授、周德敏教授、叶敏教授、杨东辉副教授、余四旺副教授和在座多位师生进行了热烈的交流讨论。


24th Mar, 2015–Invited by Professor Kui Wang and Dr. Siwang Yu, Dr. Tony Ah-Ng Kong from Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey visited Peking University School of Pharmaceutical Sciences and presented in a series of academic activities.
Dr. Kong, the Glaxo Endowed Chair and Distinguished Professor of Pharmacy at the Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy, was honored as guest professor of Peking University Health Science Center in 2011. Currently he is the Director of Graduate Program in Pharmaceutical Sciences, also the Leader of Carcinogenesis and Chemoprevention Research Program of the Cancer Institute of New Jersey, and has continued serving on the NIH Study Sections since 1998. He also served as member of 13 editorial boards of international journals, editor of Pharmaceutical Research, the Editor-in-Chief of Current Pharmacology Reports, and the oversea editor of Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences (JCPS). To the date, Dr. Kong has published more than 200 scientific articles with over 11000 citations. His current research interests are predominately in the areas of biology-driven natural product drug discovery and development, with primary emphasis in the fields of cancer chemoprevention.
During his visit to the JCPS editorial office, Dr. Kong met Associate Professor Heqing Huang, theExecutive Associate Editor-in-Chief of JCPS, and Drs. Jian Han and Jingjing Zhang, and discussed the up-coming JCPS special issues on “Cancer Prevention by Natural & TCM Products”. A tentative agreement of collaboration on international propagation was also reached.
Dr. Kong delivered a seminar entitled “Cancer Prevention by Natural & TCM Products: Nrf2 and Epigenetics”. Started from the successes and failures of cancer chemopreventive drugs, Dr. Kong introduced the current research progresses and perspectives of natural products and traditional Chinese medicine in cancer prevention, especially the involvement of redox signaling and epigenetic mechanisms. His talk sparked extensive interests and hot discussions among audience. 
