中国药学(英文版) ›› 2014, Vol. 23 ›› Issue (11): 810-810.

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《中国药学》(英文版) 参加中国高校科技期刊研究会第十八次年会并获奖


  1. 中国药学英文版编辑部
  • 收稿日期:2014-11-16 修回日期:2014-11-18 出版日期:2014-11-24 发布日期:2014-11-18

Executive associate editor-in-chief of Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences attending the 18th Conference of Chinese University Science and Technology Journal Council and receiving the award

Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences   

  1. Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences
  • Received:2014-11-16 Revised:2014-11-18 Online:2014-11-24 Published:2014-11-18


第五届中国高校精品·优秀·特色科技期刊奖颁奖大会暨第十八次年会于1111–12日在广州市隆重召开。来自全国高校科技期刊编辑出版单位的400余名代表参加了颁奖大会。出席会议的领导和嘉宾有: 中宣部出版局刘建生副局长、教育部科技司高润生副司长、科技部原主管科技期刊工作的宋培元处长、教育部科技司综合处李人杰和王万鹏等。
佟建国副理事长首先作了关于评比工作总结的报告, 随后李人杰宣读了教育部科技司关于公布评比结果的通知, 此届评比有精品期刊奖、优秀期刊奖、特色期刊奖。会上同时颁发了中国高校科技期刊研究会各专业委员会评选的其他各类奖项。
高润生副司长发表重要讲话。他说,中国高校科技期刊研究会带领中国高校科技期刊战线上的工作者,开拓创新、锐意进取, 在联系政府、服务会员、组织学术活动、加强组织建设、开展业务培训、树立正确导向、提升办刊质量、加强国际合作、扩大高校科技期刊社会影响力等方面取得了显著的成绩对提升高校科技期刊的发展水平、促进高校的学科建设和人才培养, 发挥了巨大的作用, 为创建世界一流的期刊奠定了良好的基础。刘建生副局长作重要报告。他指出, 支持学术创新、服务科技创新是科技期刊的立足点、出发点。中国科技期刊业一定要再接再厉, 支持创新、服务创造, 让这个社会充满生机、充满活力, 使我们的科学技术引领世界前沿。,
《中国药学》(英文版)编辑部主任黄河清参加了此次会议, 并获得了研究会颁发2014年中国高校医学期刊优秀主编奖《中国药学》(英文版)2013年获得中国科协等六部委共同实施的中国科技期刊国际影响力提升计划 项目C类资助后, 2014年获得中国科协中国科协精品科技期刊工程项目 课题经费资助, 课题我国科技期刊国际化进程深度分析目前的调研工作进展顺利。

关键词: 中国高校科技期刊研究会, 第十八次年会


The 18th Conference of Chinese University Science and Technology Journal Council was held in Guangzhou on Nov 11th–12th, 2014. More than 400 participants gathered, and the executive associate editor-in-chief of Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences (JCPS), associate Prof. Heqing Huang attended the conference.
Several leaders, such Jiansheng Liu, vice Minister of Publications Department of Chinese Propagandizing Department; Runsheng Gao, deputy Director-general, Technology Department of Ministry of Education, attended the conference and made wonderful presentations.
Vice Minister Jiansheng Liu made an important speech of “several questions of the reform on sci-tech journals sponsored by universities”. He said, under the leadership of Society of China University Journals (SCUJ), editors of sci-tech journals have achieved remarkable results on academic activities, training business, improvement of academic quality, strengthen international cooperation, and expanding the impact of sci-tech journals, which played a big role on the developing of Chinese university sci-tech journals and promoting the subject construction and personnel training in colleges and universities. These presentations promoted information exchanges, found out the cooperative opportunities, and deepened understanding as well as enhanced work relationship between each other.

The executive associate editor-in-chief of JCPS, associate Prof. Heqing Huang attended the conference, and received the award “2014 Excellent Editor-in-Chief of Chinese University Medical Journals”. In 2013, JCPS has received the support of “the International Influence of Chinese Science and Technology Journals Promotion Plan C class”. In 2014, JCPS has also received the support of “Chinese University Quality Science and Technology Journals Project”. At present, this project is well on the way.

Key words: The 18th Conference of Chinese University Science,  , Technology Journal Council,  , Receiving the award
