中国药学(英文版) ›› 2025, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (2): 99-108.DOI: 10.5246/jcps.2025.02.008

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邓茜1,#, 彭紫凝1,#, 孟凡雨1,#, 晏蔚田2, 刘念1,*(), 彭江云2,*()   

  1. 1. 云南中医药大学, 云南 昆明 650500
    2. 云南中医药大学第一附属医院, 云南 昆明 650032
  • 收稿日期:2024-10-05 修回日期:2024-11-15 接受日期:2024-12-31 出版日期:2025-03-01 发布日期:2025-03-02
  • 通讯作者: 刘念, 彭江云

Enhancing spleen function for effective hyperuricemia treatment

Qian Deng1,#, Zining Peng1,#, Fanyu Meng1,#, Weitian Yan2, Nian Liu1,*(), Jiangyun Peng2,*()   

  1. 1 Yunnan University of Chinese Medicine, Kunming 650500, Yunnan, China
    2 The First Affiliated Hospital of Yunnan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Kunming 650032, Yunnan, China
  • Received:2024-10-05 Revised:2024-11-15 Accepted:2024-12-31 Online:2025-03-01 Published:2025-03-02
  • Contact: Nian Liu, Jiangyun Peng
  • About author:

    # Qian Deng, Zining Peng and Fanyu Meng are co-frist authors.

  • Supported by:
    : National Natural Science Foundations of China (Grant No. 81960863), the Education Department of Yunnan Province (Grant No. 2023Y0463 and 2024Y380), and Yunnan Clinical Research Center for?rheumatism in Traditional Chinese Medicine (Grant No. 202405AJ310004).


高尿酸血症(HUA)是由于人体尿酸生成增加和/或尿酸排泄受损导致血液中尿酸过多引起的代谢性疾病, 目前已成为一种流行病。现代西药治疗常伴随出现一系列不良反应。根据HUA发展的临床表现, 中医药在辨证的基础上, 将其病机之本归纳为脾失健运, 痰湿浊瘀是为其标。基于此, 具有健脾功效之品可以通过抑制尿酸合成酶的表达、促排尿酸排泄, 以及抗炎、抗氧化、调节肠道菌群、调节细胞生物过程等, 发挥治疗HUA的作用。同时临床应用也佐证这一观点, 故而对于HUA的治疗, 健脾是为标本同治之法。

关键词: 健脾, 高尿酸血症, 诊断, 治疗


Hyperuricemia (HUA) is a metabolic disorder characterized by elevated levels of uric acid in the blood, resulting from either increased production or decreased excretion of uric acid. This condition has reached epidemic proportions. Conventional Western medical treatments often come with a range of adverse effects. According to traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), the root cause of HUA lies in the spleen’s insufficient healthy movement, with phlegm, dampness, turbidity, and stasis being symptomatic manifestations. Research has shown that spleen-strengthening herbal remedies can effectively treat HUA by inhibiting uric acid synthesis enzymes, promoting uric acid excretion, reducing inflammation, providing antioxidant benefits, regulating gut microbiota, and modulating cellular processes. Clinical applications have substantiated these findings. Therefore, from the standpoint of symptomatic treatment of HUA, spleen-strengthening therapies hold significant importance and potential.

Key words: Strengthening the spleen, Hyperuricemia, Diagnosis, Treatment
