中国药学(英文版) ›› 2018, Vol. 27 ›› Issue (1): 59-63.DOI: 10.5246/jcps.2018.01.007

• 【药事管理与临床药学专栏】 • 上一篇    下一篇


周林光1,2, 江滨2*   

  1. 1. 北京大学国际医院 药剂科, 北京 102206
    2. 北京大学医学部 药学院 药事管理与临床药学系, 北京 100191
  • 收稿日期:2017-03-24 修回日期:2017-08-19 出版日期:2018-02-28 发布日期:2017-11-15
  • 通讯作者: Tel.: +86-13601100121, E-mail:

Clinical development of tumor necrosis factor-alpha inhibitors for ankylosing spondylitis

Zhou Linguang1,2, Jiang Bin2*   

  1. 1. Department of Pharmacy, Peking University International Hospital, Beijing 102206, China
    2. Department of Administrative and Clinical Pharmacy, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Peking University Health Science Center, Beijing 100191, China
  • Received:2017-03-24 Revised:2017-08-19 Online:2018-02-28 Published:2017-11-15
  • Contact: Tel.: +86-13601100121, E-mail:


抗肿瘤坏死因子(TNF-α)抑制剂是用于强直性脊柱炎的生物制剂,目前中国上市的有依那西普、英夫利昔单抗和阿达木单抗。2014–2016年这三种药物的研究进展国内尚未有系统研究,本文研究了这三种药物的新进展,主要包括: (1) 依那西普维持剂量、副反应、长期疗效、联合治疗方面; (2) 英夫利昔单抗联合治疗、对骨代谢的影响; (3) 阿达木单抗有效性、抗药抗体; (4) TNF-α抑制剂综合研究等。随着TNF-α抑制剂在临床中的广泛应用,明确其药物安全性,有效性和适用范围是指导未来临床应用,药品配伍乃至药物研发的关键。本综述总结了TNF-α抑制剂在现阶段临床应用与研究的中的进展,对今后TNF-α抑制剂的临床应用和后续研究提供了更进一步的参考和借鉴。

关键词: 强直性脊柱炎, 抗肿瘤坏死因子抑制剂, 依那西普, 英夫利昔单抗, 阿达木单抗


There is no radical cure for ankylosing spondylitis, a chronic inflammation in joint, till now. Tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) inhibitors can block the cascade in inflammatory chain and improve clinical symptom. Among these biological agents, three of them are marketed in China: etanercept, infliximab and adalimumab. Some of the research progresses between 2014 and 2016 are summarized including treatment application, side effects of drugs, and comprehensive research of TNF-α inhibitors. 

Key words: Ankylosing spondylitis, TNF-α, Etanercept, Infliximab, Adalimumab

