中国药学(英文版) ›› 2025, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (1): 28-40.DOI: 10.5246/jcps.2025.01.003

• 【研究论文】 • 上一篇    下一篇


沈雨轩1,#, 王天畅2,#, 乔桦2, 梁庆2, 吕靖茹2, 夏青1,2,*()   

  1. 1. 北京大学医学部 医学技术研究院, 北京 100191
    2. 北京大学药学院 分子与细胞药理学系, 北京 100191
  • 收稿日期:2024-09-21 修回日期:2024-10-11 接受日期:2024-11-23 出版日期:2025-02-20 发布日期:2025-02-20
  • 通讯作者: 夏青

Modulation of tRNAGln decoding efficacy by metal ion binding and glutamine supply

Yuxuan Shen1,#, Tianchang Wang2,#, Hua Qiao2, Qing Liang2, Jingru Lv2, Qing Xia1,2,*()   

  1. 1 Institute of Medical Technology, Peking University Health Science Center, Beijing 100091, China
    2 Department of Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Peking University, Beijing 100091, China
  • Received:2024-09-21 Revised:2024-10-11 Accepted:2024-11-23 Online:2025-02-20 Published:2025-02-20
  • Contact: Qing Xia
  • About author:

    # Yuxuan Shen and Tianchang Wang contributed equally to this work.

  • Supported by:
    National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. U23A20106), National Key Research and Development Program of China (Grant No. 91510100MA6CG8UJ4K).


tRNAs需要形成稳定的L-型三级结构以参与到蛋白质的翻译过程中。二价金属离子, 尤其是镁离子, 对维持tRNA三级结构的稳定性十分重要。但对于人tRNA中Mg2+的结合位点至今仍不清楚。在本次研究中, 为确定Mg2+在人tRNAGln中的结合位点, 将能够识别提前终止密码子UAG, 促进全长蛋白表达的抑制性tRNA作为研究工作。我们突变了抑制性tRNAGln的U8和C72位点, 并检测突变后的抑制性tRNA通读效率, 以通读效率表示tRNA的解码能力。通过分别检测U8C和C72U抑制性tRNA突变体中Mg2+的含量, 发现U8C突变体中的Mg2+含量显著低于C72U突变体。进一步, 通过GFP荧光和Western Blot实验, 证实了与野生型抑制性tRNA相比, U8位突变体对无义突变位点的通读能力显著降低。然而, 抑制性tRNA C72位的突变对通读效率的影响明显低于U8位。这些结果证实, Mg2+与人tRNAGln U8位点紧密结合, 维持tRNA三维结构的稳定性以及其蛋白翻译能力。此外, 我们研究了谷氨酰胺供应量对细胞水平 tRNA 解码效率的影响, 结果表明, 氨基酸浓度和TAG密码子上下文都会影响 RNA 的解码效率。本研究为进一步探究tRNA的结构和功能提供了理论基础。

关键词: 金属离子, tRNA三级结构, 谷氨酰胺供应, 解码效率


Transfer RNAs (tRNAs) adopt a stable L-shaped tertiary structure crucial for their involvement in protein translation. Among various divalent metal ions, magnesium ions play a pivotal role in preserving the tertiary structure of tRNA. However, the precise location of the Mg2+ binding pocket in human tRNA remains elusive. In this investigation, we identified the Mg2+ binding site within human tRNAGln using suppressor tRNAGln. This variant of tRNA recognizes premature stop codons (specifically UAG) and facilitates the expression of full-length proteins. By mutating sites U8 and C72 in suppressor tRNAGln, we assessed the decoding efficiency of the resulting mutant suppressor tRNAs, which serves as a measure of tRNA’s ability to decode genetic information. Our analysis revealed that the U8C mutant suppressor tRNA exhibited a significantly lower Mg2+ content compared to the C72U mutant. Furthermore, we observed a notable reduction in decoding efficiency in the U8-mutated suppressor tRNA, as evidenced by GFP fluorescence and Western blotting analysis. Conversely, mutations at the C72 site had a comparatively minor impact on decoding efficiency. These findings underscored the tight binding of Mg2+ to the U8 site of human tRNAGln, crucial for maintaining the stability of tRNA tertiary structure and translation efficacy. Additionally, our investigation delved into the influence of glutamine availability on tRNA decoding efficiency at the cellular level. The results indicated that both the concentration of amino acids and the codon context of TAG could modulate tRNA decoding efficiency. This study provided valuable insights into the structure and function of tRNA, laying the groundwork for further exploration in this field.

Key words: Metal ions, tRNA tertiary structure, Glutamine supply, Decoding efficacy
