
  • Solid formulations represent the most widely used dosage forms, and their structural attributes significantly impact the efficacy of drugs. Consequently, delving into the study of solid formulation structures is of paramount importance. This paper employs bibliometrics to summarize references on solid formulations and physical structure over the past 5 years, providing a visual representation through CiteSpace. Additionally, we explore influential factors affecting the structure of solid formulations at three distinct levels: raw material, intermediate, and final product. It delves into the discussion of various characterization techniques employed to analyze the physical structure of solid formulations. These techniques include scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction, nuclear magnetic resonance, LF-nuclear magnetic resonance, thermal analysis, and terahertz. Emphasis is placed on the significance of investigating formulation structures, serving as a foundational step for future research and development in this field. This comprehensive approach aims to contribute to the understanding and advancement of solid formulations for enhanced drug effectiveness.

    Li, Z. et al. / J. Chin. Pharm. Sci. 2024, 33 (10), 877–905.

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  • 发布日期: 2024-11-06  浏览: 80