
  • In the relentless pursuit of cancer treatment, Doxorubicin (DOX) has emerged as a potent drug with notable cardiotoxicity. The search for solutions has led to the threshold of traditional medicine, where the ancient East Asian medicinal plant, Bletilla striata, offers a glimmer of hope. This study employed various extraction methods, including hot water, ultrasonic, enzymatic, and chemical, to refine the essence of B. striata into 16 distinct polysaccharide fractions. Each method, akin to a conductor leading an orchestra, yielded a unique composition of BsPs, varying in yield, structure, and efficacy against DOX-induced cardiotoxicity. The results underscore the diversity of BsPs produced by different extraction methods, providing invaluable insights for a comprehensive exploration of B. striata's polysaccharide compounds and understanding the richness and complexity of their structure.

    Pan, F. et al. / J. Chin. Pharm. Sci. 2024, 33 (8), 686–704.  

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  • 发布日期: 2024-08-30  浏览: 145