

  • The coaxial electrostatic spray technique was employed to fabricate rhIL-2-loaded core-shell microspheres. Quantum dots served as tracer materials, and the core-shell composite microspheres were fashioned with chitosan coating the rhIL-2 and quantum dots conjugates in the core layer and hyaluronic acid in the shell layer. A systematic exploration of factors such as carrier concentration, positive voltage, pinhole diameter, and spray flow rate was conducted using a single-factor method. The coaxial electrostatic spray process parameters for core-shell microsphere preparation were also meticulously optimized. The properties of the prepared microspheres were evaluated in various aspects. The results robustly supported the successful development of sustained-release targeted rhIL-2-loaded microspheres, providing a theoretical foundation for protein-microsphere formulations.

    Zhu, Y. et al. / J. Chin. Pharm. Sci. 2024, 33 (6), 495–510. 


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  • 发布日期: 2024-07-06  浏览: 153