Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences

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The 4th editorial board meeting of Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences was held in Peking University Health Science Center

Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences   

  1. Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences
  • Received:2014-01-14 Revised:2014-01-20 Online:2014-02-15 Published:2014-01-25
  • Contact: Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences


The 4th editorial board meeting of Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences (JCPS) was held in Peking University Health Science Center (PUHSC) on January 13, 2014. The meeting was presided by Prof. Demin Zhou, the Executive Editor-in-chief of JCPS. Academician Lihe Zhang, the Editor-in-chief, gave the opening speech. Xingping Liu, vice minister of China Association for Science and Technology (CAST), Prof. Luqi Huang, vice president of Chinese Pharmaceutical Association (CPA), Prof. Weigang Fang, Deputy Director of PUHSC, Prof. Junyi Liu, Dean of School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Peking University, and other university professors and scholars attended the meeting.
Prof. Heqing Huang, Executive Associate Editor-in-chief of JCPS, delivered a speech on behalf of the Editorial Office of JCPS. She pointed out that JCPS is playing a critical role in the communication of new discoveries in drug development to the scientific community. To fulfill the roles as an internationally recognized platform for the display of the new drug discoveries supported by the National New Drug Innovation programs, the JCPS editorial office will take advantage of its English language specialty, emphasize quality and digital access, and promote the advancement of the journal. On the basis of her speech, editors discussed and analyzed the current problems and formulated an outline for the advancement of JCPS.
    In the afternoon, Prof. Hualiang Jiang, the Associate Editor-in-chief of Journal of Medicinal Chemistry (JMC) and Prof. Dean Guo gave speech on the development of scientific journals. And Prof. Shilin Chen, Prof. Fener Chen and Prof. Suodi Zhai spoke on the progress of their scientific researches. At the end of the meeting, Academician Lihe Zhang met again withtheeditorial board. He hoped that we will strive to enhance the quality of JCPS, strengthen the international presence, play a stronger role as the expert committee.

Key words: The 4th editorial board meeting of Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences,  
