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The 8th International Symposium for Chinese Medicinal Chemists and the 9th IUPAC international Symposium on Biomolecular Chemistry were held in Beijing

Yingbo Li   

  1. State Key Laboratory of Natural and Biomimetic Drugs, Peking University Health Science Center, Beijing 100191, China
  • Received:2012-09-01 Revised:2012-09-01 Online:2012-09-15 Published:2012-09-15
  • Contact: Yingbo Li


The 8th International Symposium for Chinese Medicinal Chemists (ISCMC2012) and the 9th IUPAC international Symposium on Biomolecular Chemistry (ISBOC-9) were held at Beijing Conference Center, on August 25-29, 2012, Beijing, China.
The symposiums were hosted by the Division of Medicinal Chemistry, Chinese Pharmaceutical Society and IUPAC Biomolecular Chemistry Division, organized by the State Key Laboratory of Natural and Biomimetic Drugs, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Peking University. In the symposiums, two Nobel Prize winners, Prof. Ada Yonath from Weizmann Institute of Science (Israel) and Prof. Robert Huber from Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry (Germany), were invited to give Nobel Laureate Lectures. There were more than 140 distinguished scholars across the world delivered keynote lecture and oral presentation, and nearly 150 posters spread over plenary lectures and 5 parallel sessions. Over 700 representatives from 21 countries and regions attended the event. Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences also attended the poster exhibition.
The main subjects for this year’s symposiums were: modern drug design and development of methodology, novel strategy and approach for drug discovery, lead discovery and optimization, optimizing the drug-like properties of leads, natural products based drug discovery, biological science driven drug discovery, synthetic methods and the process studies and new developments in the treatment for cancer and infectious disease. The ISCMC2012 and ISBOC-9 achieved the goal of providing a platform for communicating the forefront progress of drug discovery and development, and further improved the research on medicinal chemistry in China and expand Chinese scholars’ influences on the world stage.
