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Call for Papers: A Special Issue of Medicinal Chemistry and Biomolecular Chemistry

Committee of ISBOC-9 & ISCMC-8; Editorial Office of Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences   

  1. Committee of ISBOC-9 & ISCMC-8; Editorial Office of Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences
  • Received:2012-09-05 Revised:2012-09-05 Online:2012-09-15 Published:2012-09-15


After 9th IUPAC International Symposium on Biomolecular Chemistry & 8th International Symposium for Chinese Medicinal Chemists (ISCMC-8) finished successfully, a special issue of the Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences (JCPS) is being planned for publication in the year 2013 by the International Advisory Committee and the JCPS editorial office. We hope that it will promote international academic exchange and establish a platform for communication among medicinal chemists and biomolecular chemists. All manuscripts submitted must meet the publication standards of JCPS and will be peer-reviewed through the “Rapid Track”. The journal editorial office will select the qualified manuscripts to appear on the special issue, with the remaining manuscripts being considered for publication on a regular issue of the journal. The deadline for submission of manuscripts is February 15, 2013.
Scope of the special issue
The special issue will cover all areas of modern drug design and its development of methodology, the novel strategy and approach for drug discovery, lead discovery and optimization, synthetic method and the process studies, structure, function and interaction of biomolecular, biological sciences driven drug discovery, chemical questions in the life process, and chemical genomics.
Guide for authors
Please send your submission as word document by email to Be sure to include authors' name, affiliation, post address, E-mail address, and telephone number. Please also mark your mail with "Special Issue of Medicinal Chemistry and Biomolecular Chemistry". The detailed guide for manuscript preparation and free manuscript samples are available at
A manuscript submitted to JCPS must be based on original research by the authors and must not have been published elsewhere. No manuscript reporting the same results may be under simultaneous consideration by another journal.
Manuscript charge
After the paper is accepted, page charges and copyright transfer agreement should be returned to the editorial office within 2 d. Authors will be presented with two copies of the current issue and a PDF file at no cost. The fee for copyright and payment for the article will be paid at one time.
Tel./Fax: 010-82801713, 82805496 E-mail:
Address: Editorial Office of Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Peking University, 38 Xueyuan Road, Beijing 100191, China
