In this study, we aimed to investigate the influencing factors of postoperative 5-year survival rate in non small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients with stage I-III. We enrolled 220 patients who underwentsurgical operation and survived longer than 3 months, with histologically confirmed adenocarcinoma or squamous cell carcinoma from Jan. 2009 to Dec. 2009. Multiple variables, like age, gender, smoking, alcohol, obesity, family history of cancer, diabetes, hypertension, antidiabetic drugs, tumor staging, pathology, treatments, surgical side as well as lipid levels, were selected. We found that tumor staging was associated with 5-year survival rate of stage I-III NSCLC patients by univariate analysis. Furthermore, diabetes mellitus, hypertension andsurgical side were associated with the overall survival of NSCLC patients with stage I, stageⅡand stageIII, respectively. In conclusion, the status of chronic disease had potential effect on the postoperative 5-year survival rate of lung cancer patients.