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    Cover story of JCPS 2024-11
  • Mesoporous microspheres containing sodium hyaluronate (SHMM) were prepared by electrostatic spraying technology. Through a series of single factor experiments, the process optimization of SHMM preparation was systematically carried out, mainly focusing on evaluating the shape, particle size and porosity of microspheres. It is worth noting that the obtained SHMM has well-defined morphology, distinguishable pores and good biocompatibility, with an average particle size of 3.55 ± 2.22 μm. In addition, when suspended in water, all these microspheres showed negative surface potentials, which confirmed their strong ability to bind positively charged protein drugs. Recombinant human interferon α-2b cross-linked mesoporous microspheres (rhIFN α-2b-SHCMM) were successfully prepared, which proved high encapsulation efficiency and enhanced drug loading.


    Huang, W. et al. / J. Chin. Pharm. Sci. 2024, 33 (11), 985–1000.

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  • Pubdate: 2024-12-08    Viewed: 55