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    Cover story of JCPS 2024-5
  • The proportions of NH4HCO3 and PVP were taken as independent variables (X1 and X2), the yield, flowability, compactibility and disintegration time of powder were taken as dependent variables (Y1, Y2, Y3 and Y4). The best proportions of NH4HCO3 and PVP were selected by center composite design, and the porous core-shell composite particles of Xiao Er Xi Shi formulation (XEXS-PCPs) with excellent direct compaction (DC) properties were obtained. Furthermore, in order to verify the applicability of XEXS-PCPs, the PCPs was mixed with four DC-grade excipients and further evaluated by continuous DC. The results showed that the XEXS optimized by particle design can be used for continuous DC and have good applicability, which will be beneficial to the production of XEXS tablets and the application of porous core-shell composite particles in traditional Chinese medicine.


    Li, Z. et al. / J. Chin. Pharm. Sci. 2024, 33 (5), 412–429.

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  • Pubdate: 2024-06-06    Viewed: 249